Pulite le acciughe, togliendo la testa, la lisca e le interiora; passatele con cura sotto l’acqua per eliminare il sale e tritatele finemente. Sciacquate e strizzate i capperi, snocciolate e tagliate a rondelle le olive, passate al tritalegumi i pomodori, privati della pelle e …

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Un pensiero su “Spaghetti con le acciughe alla siciliana – Ricette primi”
  1. I have eaten frog legs, but only so I can say I have eaten them. Given a choice, I will not be eantig them again. Not because they taste bad, but because I have problems eantig things that still resemble the animal from which it came. When Lizzie butchered that pig, I looked away and put my fingers in my ears. I will not eat anchovies for the same reason although I will eat the hell out of a Caesar salad. But an unsmushed up anchovy? Those things have little bones sticking all out of them like hairs and I’m just supposed to crunch those little bastards up? No, thank you. No organs either, especially liver. The liver is the trash can of the body, for god’s sake. I will agree with the Top Chefs on one thing: I, too, am a lettuce snob. I’d just as soon eat a piece of damp copy paper as a piece of iceberg lettuce. I have no opinion on who will win, but my husband could tell you and he would be right. He’s fairly obsessed with all cooking competition shows. Also Project Runway and RuPaul’s Drag Race, and yes, I am concerned.

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